Sunday, August 31, 2014

Day 12 - The One for the Raider Nation (actually, for John Corley)

Several years ago I promised our friend, John Corley, that I would make him a Raider's apron....SEVERAL years ago....that's right, I'm pathetic! Anyway - I finally got around to it! Today I finished the infamous Raiders apron. I didn't really have a lot of the Raider fabric, so I had to get creative. I used the Raider fabric as an accent to the black and white base fabrics. John is not a small man and I wanted to make sure that the apron fit, so I took my basic pattern and added several inches to width. I hope it fits, I didn't have any measurements.

John likes to make hot wings and I wanted to make sure he'd be adequately covered and protected. If he wears the black, he can just wipe his hands on it....not so much on the is washable, but I don't know if it could handle hot wing sauce stains.

I didn't have a model since John doesn't live here, so I got creative there too!! My lovely daughters are game for almost anything I throw at them.....even wearing a large apron....together... Anyway - here's the apron:

Two tiny girls equal 1 large man, right??

I made the back a little different - used loops instead of waist ties

I told them that they'd have to wear the apron to do dishes if they couldn't get along...

It's reversible.

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