Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Number 3 - Pink and Black

This cute little number was fun to make....until I got to the buttonholes. The buttonhole maker on my sewing machine isn't working right, so I did what any girl would do and went to my mother's house to use hers!! She has a nice, newer Singer that looks like a vintage one. It works really well, generally, except when I'm trying to finish something and I'm tired. I FINALLY got the buttonholes to work on my mom's machine and they turned out ok - I had to rip out WAY TOO MANY stitches before I got it right though. Ugh, I hate that!! My machine is an older Singer that's been well used, and loved. Some things just don't work anymore on it though. I'd love to get a new machine, but that takes money!

The pattern I used is "Sassy Little Apron" By Cabbage Rose Quilts         

They have some really, really cute stuff, I need to do some shopping on that site.... I've had this pattern for a while and have made several variations of it. I generally like to make reversible aprons so I would basically make two and put them together. That works pretty well, but for this one, I followed the directions and did the facing instead of lining.The construction is straightforward and the instructions are very clear. My mom suggested this fabric combination and I think it works well. The pink and black is a nice, modern combo. Here's the finished apron, modeled by my sweet daughter Bella!

 It's a little big on her, but you get the idea. The shape is very flattering and would fit most "misses" size women.

This darling apron is for sale for $20 (plus shipping). If you want it, let me know!

Thanks for checking in with my progress - tomorrow I'll feature a really cute, fall themed apron.

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