Thursday, September 4, 2014

Day 16 - A Patiotic Stip Apron

Yesterday marked the halfway point in my little journey. I thought it would be fitting to post a picture of all of them. Two of them have been sent on their way, but the other 13 are still here  - except the one I sent off today. Got the pictures before I sent it off. Here's two weeks worth of work:

I'm sure having fun, I hope you are too!

I started today with putting away my bits and pieces from yesterday - and found some pieced fabric that I'd used several years ago to make an apron - I found several more pieces and started putting them together. Once I had a large piece to work with, I made a sweet little half apron.

My friends Emily and Anna helped today with the modeling and photography - I so appreciate their help! They are creative and know how to have fun with a camera. Thanks girls!

Emily turned her shirt around so the pattern wouldn't compete with the apron. What a good sport!!
 This is my friend Emily - isn't she cute?? She is a fabulous model! The apron is red, white and blue - different fabric pieced together. It is fully reversible.
Totally reversible!! You can switch it around if it gets dirty and keep going!

Emily had to turn her shirt back around to get the back of the apron.

This apron is available for purchase - it is $15 (plus postage). Stay tuned - I have some fun stuff planned for the next few days.

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