Saturday, September 6, 2014

Day 18 - Cherries for a sweet little one

Aren't kids adorable?? Kids are so much fun, they are fun to sew for, fun to talk to, fun to spend time with, fun to watch. They are just fun!! Today I made an apron for a kiddo - another one. It's done with cherry fabric - cherries on black gingham. It matches the solid red fabric perfectly!I've already talked about how much I love's just so fun!! 

I live in a cherry producing area - there are cherry orchards all over the place and they produce the most delicious cherries. Every year we have a cherry festival to celebrate the cherry harvest. It's a fun time, lots of cherry related stuff and just good family fun! Here is the super fun fabric:

 The apron is reversible - cherries on one side with red accents, red on the other side with cherry accents. 

Here is the apron, and the little cutie who agreed to model for me!

Cute little friend - what a fabulous model!

Either side is super cute. Pick a side and go for it!


Such a simple pattern, and so many possibilities - tomorrow I'm going to show some simple ways to embellish aprons to make them special! 

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