Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Day 22 - Purple and Yellow

Ok - so, it's been really busy around my house. We started home school for the year, and the girls are in a play in a town about 45 minutes from home. I have been helping with the costumes and just have not been in the sewing room as much as I should be to complete this challenge. If I was a different kind of person, I'd get up early, work on the apron of the day in the morning before I got other things done....but I'm just not that kind of girl! I am not creative in the morning....let's face it, I'm barely functional!! After I've had my coffee and something to eat and gotten the kids going on their school work and started some laundry and done some dishes, then I can get creative. Generally, that happens around 2 or 3 - but when we are on a theater schedule, we have to leave around 3. Oops!! We don't get home till after 9 usually so that doesn't leave much time for sewing. Anyway - I finally got an apron done today. It's from the Sassy Little Apron pattern (remind me that I don't like this pattern because I have to do button holes and both my mom's and my machines hate doing them.) Other than the buttons, I love this pattern. It's cute, sassy, flirty and just fun! I took it to the theater hoping to get a victim...I mean model for it. Luckily my daughter's friend Elisha was sweet enough to comply when I asked if she'd like to model it for me. She's a really sweet girl is playing Peter Pan in the current play. It's a big role and I know she's doing a great job with it. Here it is:

Not the best pictures, but well, you know.

Isn't she the cutest?? She's going to make a great Peter Pan.

This apron is available for purchase - $20.00 (plus postage).
Here is a closeup of the fabric - it's really cute. I added the rickrack to make it a bit more fun.
The back is pretty basic. Just a cute bow! I think the straps are long enough to wrap around and tie in front.

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