Friday, September 5, 2014

Day 17 - An apron and a boy....and some bread!

Today was a busy day - lot's of projects going on in my house. I dried fruit, made bread, did laundry and, of course, made an apron.

My son is a very helpful kid - he loves doing projects with me around the house - cooking, baking, laundry, etc. Today he helped me make bread. We even ground some flour from our Einkorn berries. Einkorn is an ancient, non-hybridized wheat. It is much healthier for our bodies....look it up! Anyway - that's for another blog - I'm here to talk about the apron that Logan is wearing today. This is a reversible kids' apron in a size M. It's from a pattern that I've had for a while - called The Hometown Cafe apron.

I made this one with denim and plaid. I love denim on an apron, it's sturdy, durable, easy to clean and really nice looking. Denim goes really well with plaid, it's like blue jeans and a comfy shirt!

Checking out his handy work.

One side is denim with plaid trim and a pocket.
Logan helped a lot with the bread, he's such a great helper! 
Ready to go in the oven!

He's so careful with the hot oven.

The other side of the apron is plaid with denim trim and pocket.
He decided to use the oven mitts to put the bread IN the oven.

An apron in action, what's better?

His job is done - the bread is in. Good job Logan, you are an awesome baker... and you look good too!

The mitts are a little large....

The finished product - nice looking bread!! It tastes really, really good too!

Tomorrow I will feature another kid size apron - they are fun to make and don't use a lot of fabric. Be sure to check in and see it! I am going to be doing a giveaway in a couple of days - share my posts to enter. More details coming soon! Who wants an apron??

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