Monday, September 8, 2014

Day 20 - A very strange piece of fabric....

Today I made an apron out of a very strange piece of fabric that I bought at IKEA. It was in the clearance section and was really marked down. The colors were great and I thought, why not? It wasn't till I got it home that I figured out what the print was....mouths....yes, that's right, mouths!!

Here is the fabric:

Weird, eh??
I knew I had to do something interesting with it....something that would change the look of it and not have it be a bunch of mouths.....on an apron. Too funny. I decided to cut it down the middle and rework it into something else. I flipped things around and reattached them - added some trim and made a cute apron!

My friend Karen agreed to model it for me - our kids are in the theater together and they all had rehearsal today. I spent most of the evening in the costume shop, my favorite place to be! When I picked up the kids, Karen was there picking up her kids too! I asked if she'd be my model and she long as I didn't show her face! So, here's Karen wearing my weird apron!

I think the weird print looks a lot like petals now....don't you think? I added the rick rack as a little extra embellishment. This apron is available for purchase - just $15!!

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