Monday, August 18, 2014

Apron Number 1...The one that started it all...

The other day I remembered that a friend had asked me about making an apron for her for a friend. I'd completely forgotten!! The apron was for a friend of hers who was visiting from another country. I sent her a text and asked if it was too late. She replied that the friend was leaving the next day...did I have anything on hand?? I didn't....but I didn't tell her that!! I could put something together in a couple of hours and get it to her, no problem! I went to my fabric stash and found some fabric that I thought would be perfect for a memento from the, white and blue, but not traditional. Here is the fabric I chose:

I decided on my basic, original pattern that is cute, versatile and fits all sizes. It's feminine and fun, without being super girly and it's pretty darn easy to construct. I set to work and cut it out, made the pockets, ties, ruffle, and neck strap. Putting it all together was the easiest part, after all the parts were made. It took about 2 1/2 hours in all, not bad! I hadn't planned to blog about it, so the pictures aren't great - more for documentation than artistic - don't tell Anya I published the pictures. She's a very willing model when she thinks it's just for documentation purposes! (I happen to think she's super cute too)

Oh....did I mention that the apron is totally reversible?? Yes, yes it is! That's one of the things I like about this pattern - it's two aprons in one! You can wear it either way - change it around if it get's dirty - you get the idea.

Anyway - This apron got me thinking....could I make an apron everyday?? It doesn't take that long and I have TONS of fabric. Then I thought, If I'm going to make a bunch of aprons, I should blog about it! So, here we are! Most of the aprons will be available for sale - obviously not this one as it was a custom order - but a lot of them will be. I'll let you know and it'll be first come, first served!

Thanks for looking, I hope you enjoy the next 30 days!

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