Saturday, August 23, 2014

Day 6 - A Cheater Day - My Selvedge Apron know that saying, pride comes before the fall? Yeah...that's me. I was so proud of myself for getting 5 aprons done in 5 days. Then today happened and it was a long, bad day. So....I pulled out my favorite apron, the one I wear all the time. I made it a couple of years ago for a book that probably never got published. The book was supposed to be about projects made with something that people usually discard - the selvedge edges of fabric. I set to work on an apron made of these selvedge edges (the edges of fabric that are printed with the copyright and info about the colors, etc). I stitched several pieces together and cut out my basic apron pattern. I chose a basic fabric for the contrast, put the apron together and mailed it off. It came back several months later. No idea if the book will ever be published - but I will put the apron here. I later remembered that the contrast fabric was some I'd used for a little smocked dress....I don't have enough to finish the dress. Oops. Like I said, I wear this one all the time, it's my favorite!

My little photo bomber - really wanted to get in the picture!

Here's the pieced front of the apron.

This is the back side - It's cute, but I never wear it out, the flower on the front is a little bulky!

I got a picture of him! Isn't he cute!

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